Blog Entries - October 2019

'Midsummer Night's Dream' opens Oct. 24
It's a tale of order and disorder, love and marriage, reality and the appearance of reality. In fact, much like a dream! Little Miami High School Theatre will bring Shakespeare to life in their production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" on Oct. 24, 26 and
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AFJROTC to help mark Veteran's Day
The Little Miami High School Air Force Junior ROTC will help celebrate Veteran's Day at a county-wide event on Monday, Nov. 11. The AFJROTC will present the Colors at the Countryside YMCA's annual Veteran's Day observance at noon at the Y's Lebanon
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Class of 2020 grad signs on sale
Show your pride in being a 2020 Little Miami graduate by purchasing a sign for your yard and for display at your graduation party! Each sign is $15 and is double-sided corrogated plastic with a metal stand included. Orders are being taken now through April
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