Blog Entries - November 2017

Breakfast with Santa coming Dec. 9
Little Miami High School Student Government and the Jolly Old Elf invite you and your family to enjoy a holiday breakfast and a morning full of Christmas cheer on Saturday, Dec. 9 from 8-11 a.m. Wear your favorite holiday pajamas and join us for Breakfast
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Select Choirs' Octagon Concert Dec. 10
The holiday season would not be complete without the Little Miami Select Choirs' annual Candlelight Christmas Concert on Sunday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. in the octagon at LMHS. As seating is limited, tickets are required for this concert. Contact
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LMHS teacher honored by Class of 2017 grad
A veteran Little Miami High School teacher was recently selected by a former student to receive a teacher tribute from Stanford University. Randy Gray was selected by Class of 2017 grad Lien Nguyen to receive a Stanford University Teacher Tribute. This past
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Tips for families in cold & flu season
With cold and flu season upon us, please keep the following guidelines in mind when deciding whether or not to send your child to school. This will help to control the spread of infectious diseases at school and allow your child to be available for
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