Blog Entries - July 2017

LM to seek 3.7-mill bond in November
After the sixth straight year of triple-digit enrollment growth and months of community input regarding district facilities, the Little Miami Board of Education voted Friday, July 28 to seek voter approval of a bond issue this fall. The Board voted 5-0 to
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You've got mail: Class placements mailed July 31
Save wear and tear on your car: There is no longer a need to drive to several Little Miami schools to search posted class lists to find a student's class placement. For the 2017-2018 school year, Little Miami will be mailing a letter to families to notify
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Topmiller wins $10,000 scholarship
A recent graduate of Little Miami High School received a scholarship to pursue her dreams from a surprising source: Taco Bell. Class of 2017 member Hannah Topmiller received a $10,000 scholarship from Taco Bell as part of their Live Mas Scholarship program.
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