Freshman 101 for students, parents Feb. 6

It's that time of year -- the time for 8th grade students and parents to begin thinking about entering high school next year.
On Feb. 6, during the school day, high school staff will meet with 8th graders for Freshman Orientation at LMHS. Students will receive a freshman scheduling packet and counselors will be discussing graduation requirements along with course offerings for the freshman year.
That evening, parents are invited to attend our Freshman 101 Parent Night at 6 pm in the high school auditorium. Counselors and school administrators will review scheduling information and high school graduation requirements.
Scheduling materials are due to the student's 8th grade social studies teacher by Friday, Feb. 21. During the school day on March 2, high school counselors will begin meeting with 8th graders at the junior high to schedule classes for next year.