LM Bus 38 Riders Bring Hope to Maineville Man Fighting Cancer

Tony Way’s five-year fight with cancer reached a critical point recently. Knowing his friend and Little Miami Bus Driver Tony McHale would blow the bus horn when passing Way’s home daily to boost his spirits. McHale transitioned to a bus aide, but the new driver, Randy Hurst, helped continue the tradition. Eventually, the 4th and 5th graders on the bus caught on and asked why the driver honked at the same house on Broadway Street every day.
When McHale explained to the children why the bus honks at the same house, they wanted to help, too! So, McHale told Way to sit outside one afternoon and when the bus passed, all the kids shouted and waved out the window at Mr. Way.
“It was a great surprise,” said Way.
A couple of weeks later, the kids wanted to do it again. But this time, McHale came prepared with art supplies. He passed out colored paper and markers and all the kids on the bus made get-well cards for Mr. Way. The bus stopped in front of Mr. Way’s home and the kids held the signs out the window and shouted, “GET WELL TONY!”
“Their sincere love moved my heart,” said Mr. Way. “Pulling away, they continued to wave and yell to me to get better.