LMES & LMECC Under Brief Lockdown June 1

UPDATE: This lockdown was a BRIEF event (lasting approximately 15 minutes). Notification was sent to families as soon as accurate information could be gathered and distributed considering this was a rapidly-occurring incident. While we absolutely value timeliness of notification, accuracy of information is also of great importance to communicate the nature of the incident.
Little Miami Elementary and Little Miami Early Childhood Center were under a brief a lockdown this afternoon due to reports of a suspicious individual in the LMES and LMECC parking lots. Local law enforcement has made contact with the individual and determined that at no point was there an active threat to the students or staff of either building. This lockdown measure was taken purely out of an abundance of caution, however we greatly appreciate the speed at which our local first responders acted and manner in which our staff reacted. The lockdown has been lifted and all students and staff are safe. Thank you.