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Updated Quarantine Guidance
Posted on: December 8, 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released new quarantine guidance for those who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. The CDC has provided additional options that may shorten the length of quarantine for those possibly exposed, including:
- Optimal Duration to Minimize Risk of Transmission: Quarantine can end 14 days after exposure
- Reduced Duration 1: 10 days after last exposure with no symptoms
- Reduced Duration 2: Stay home for at least 7 days after last exposure AND after receiving a negative COVID-19 test result taken 5 days after exposure or later.
Little Miami Local Schools has now implemented the 10-day quarantine guidance, to replace the previously recommended 14-day quarantine. We are hopeful that these shortened quarantine guidelines will allow our students to stay more connected to their in-person education experience while remaining in a safe environment.