Board approves limit to sports fees

Good news for families with multiple Panther athletes: There is now a limit on the amount of pay-to-participate fees you need to pay.
On Aug. 22, the Little Miami Board of Education approved a family cap for pay-to-participate fees beginning with the current sports season.
The cap will be determined by the number of athletes in a single household. The family cap for two athletes is $750; for three, $950 and so on. To see the full explanation, see the family cap form here.
"I'm grateful to the Board for considering this cap and approving it," said LM Athletic Director Tiffany Sawyer. "We hope this will make it possible for even more athletes to come out for sports and have the chance to wear a Little Miami uniform."
Sawyer emphasized that families could begin to take advantage of the cap immediately, and that families would be responsible for tracking their athletes' fees and turning in the form.