Blog Entries - 2023

LM Central Office Closure
As we approach the end of the year, we want to remind everyone that the LM Central Office will be closed from December 24th through January 3rd. Thank you, and we hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
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Announcement: New parental control tool for student devices
(Original post 12/8) Dear families, At Little Miami, we’re committed to providing a learning experience that allows your child to grow and flourish with technology. That’s why we’ve teamed up with a student safety and digital
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Notice of December 19th Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, December 19th, 2023, at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at the Little Miami Central Office. We will also livestream the meeting
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New High School 2ndĀ SemesterĀ ETEH Protocols
The new High School 2nd Semester ETEH protocols starting January 8th are outlined below: a. Students are only allowed to report to teachers on their 2nd-semester schedule for assistance. b.
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HOBY Representatives Announced
Little Miami proudly announces the two sophomores representing Little Miami at the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) Conference this Summer: Sophie Dafoe and Brayden Tudor. All students nominated by a staff member were allowed to enter
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Little Miami Hires New Head Football Coach
Pending Board of Education approval, Little Miami Local Schools is proud to announce Arryn Chenault as The District's 19th head football coach in the program's 67-year history. Chenault is no stranger to Little Miami as he comes to the
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West Point Society of Cincinnati Leadership Conference
Congratulations to Colin Milligan and Riley Angel for being nominated to represent Little Miami at the West Point Society of Cincinnati Leadership Conference! They were selected by a staff vote as top Juniors with ethical leadership skills. Both
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Notice of December 12th Special Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Tuesday, December 12th at 7:00 PM. To view the agenda click
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A Special Edition of the Woodhenge Podcast is out now!
The name of the Little Miami High School podcast, "Woodhenge," honors one of the great earthworks structures that sits silently under the ground where Little Miami High School now stands. Much in the same way that the stories of the Woodhenge and the history
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Notice of November 28th Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023, at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at the Little Miami Central Office. We will also livestream the meeting
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Ashley Brown named next LMHS Bowling Head Coach!
Following the conclusion of the 2022-23 bowling season, longtime Little Miami head coach Robb Carpenter stepped away from the program to assume the same role at Loveland High School. Following Coach Carpenter's departure, the LMHS administration
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Four Panthers Sign Division 1 Letters of Intent
We proudly to celebrate four exceptional student-athletes as they sign letters of intent to continue their athletic careers at the next level. This year's early signing day is headlined by an impressive class of soccer and volleyball players heading to play
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National School Psychology Week
National School Psychology Week is November 6-10th, 2023. It is a fun and easy way to highlight school psychologists' vital work to help all students thrive. We are proud to have five school psychologists in the district to assist our
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Little Miami High School Cross Country Runner Heads to State Meet!
UPDATE: Congratulations to LMHS Cross Country runner Mackenzie Evans for finishing her high school running career strong at the OHSAA State Championships this weekend! Mackenzie placed 54th out of 182. We are proud of you!
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October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month
This month, our schools came together to celebrate and learn more about some of our classmates. If we learned just one thing, we are more alike than different! Molly Blaker with The Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati and Molly Blaker spoke to
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The Feeling Fish Have Arrived!
This afternoon, The Lake Doctors delivered some special new friends to the elementary school sensory garden. The pond now has six Comet Goldfish swimming around! Their colors are yellow, orange, red, white, and red-and-white. The Feeling Fish can help
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October Panther Pride Awards
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education is proud to recognize individuals who exemplify what it means to put others first. They’re perfect examples of what it means to be a Panther. This month we honor 40 Panthers! Jamie Feuerbach - Jamie is
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Academic Team Wins Miami Valley Tournament
The Little Miami High School Academic Team won the Miami Valley School Fall Kickoff Tournament this past Saturday! The victorious Panthers defeated some of the top teams in the region to win the championship, including Somerset (KY), Benjamin Logan,
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Running Panthers Make School History
When Jim and Lynn Brant were named the next head coaches of the Little Miami's cross country and track & field programs mid-year during the 2022-23 school year, their vision for the program was quite simple. Consistently competing to win ECC
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Notice of October 24th Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, October 24th, 2023, at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at the Little Miami Central Office. We will also livestream the meeting
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Speech and Language Pathologists Needed at ECC
Join the LM Team!
We are hiring a Speech and Language Pathologist at the ECC. Please express interest to John Bailey at [email protected] by 4:00 pm, Thursday, October 26, 2023.
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Hiring: LMHS Girls Lacrosse Assistant Coach
Little Miami High School (Morrow; OHSAA D-I; Eastern Cincinnati Conference) is seeking an assistant coach for the girls' lacrosse program for the 2023-24 school year. Interested candidates, please email credentials to athletic director Matt Louis at
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LM Bus 38 Riders Bring Hope to Maineville Man Fighting Cancer
Tony Way’s five-year fight with cancer reached a critical point recently. Knowing his friend and Little Miami Bus Driver Tony McHale would blow the bus horn when passing Way’s home daily to boost his spirits. McHale transitioned to a bus aide, but
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LMHS Students Send Care Packages to Service Members in Kuwait
Mrs. Copenhaver’s study hall began collecting items for a care package to be sent to Kuwait in September. A Little Miami graduate and his Army unit are stationed there. The needed items range from toiletries to snacks, playing cards and puzzles.
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LM Now Offers Sports Live Streaming
Little Miami Athletics is excited to announce the live streaming of selected athletic events. We've been testing and creating the infrastructure for several months and are happy to offer this platform to our LM Families. During the testing phase, we've posted
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Educator of the Week!
LMHS & WCCC Teacher Nick DeSanctis is Local 12's Ohio Education Association Educator of the Week! Mr. DeSanctis is the digital media arts teacher at the high school. Students in his class study graphic design, digital photography, animation and
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Veterans Day Breakfast
Little Miami Middle School will honor all service men and women with an appreciation breakfast in observance of Veteran’s Day. Relatives of our students and staff who have served in the Armed forces are invited to attend our appreciation breakfast on
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Notice of October 9th Special Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Monday, October 9th, 2023, at 5:30 PM. Click to view the agenda:
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Little Miami Chamber of Commerce School Board Candidate Night
Little Miami Chamber of Commerce Board Candidate Night on October 16, 2023 On behalf of the Little Miami Area Chamber of Commerce, many of the people in our community would like to know each candidate's thoughts on issues facing the Little Miami School
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Homecoming Parade
The Homecoming Parade is on Thursday, October 5th, at 6 p.m. What you need to know. The parade will start at Mounts Park and end at LMHS. The Event will take place rain or shine. Mounts Park will open at 5 p.m. for float to begin lining
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September 2023 Panther Pride Award Recipients
Our first Panther Pride Award recipients for this school year were recognized at last evening’s Board Meeting. Congratulations to our September Panther Pride Award Recipients, Nick DeSanctis and Ella Sakaras. These two individuals exemplify what it
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LMMS Picture Re-Take Day
Picture re-take day is coming!
Little Miami Middle School with hold picture re-takes on Thursday October 5, 2023. You may pre-order today on using your student ID or Picture Day ID : EVTJS9XV4
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Update: Book Fairs
As always, when we have a parent concern about a book, we have a system in place to review it. That process is underway. The book in question was part of a middle school Scholastic Book Fair that took place from Aug. 14-24. In collaboration with
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Back to School Thought Exchange Results
Thank you for your recent feedback on our Back to School ThoughtExchange! You can view the results by clicking here. We will be working to find ways to integrate suggestions into our daily and weekly communications in the future. Stay tuned for more
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Homecoming Week
Homecoming Week is next week! October 2nd-6th. Be sure to check out the Homecoming Headquarters section of the website for all the latest information regarding all the events happening during the week. Each building has a spirit week
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Notice of September 26th Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, September 26th, 2023 at 7 PM. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also live stream the meeting on YouTube. To view the
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Update: Book Fairs
In collaboration with Little Miami PTOs today, it was determined that we will hold our book fairs during evening hours while we establish the next steps. This will enable parents and children to continue to enjoy shopping at our book fairs together.
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LMMS Family Newsletter - 9.18.23
LMMS Family Newsletter 9.18.2023 All School Announcements Panther Spotlight Winners: Each week we recognize students who have been nominated by a staff member for displaying Panther Pride – Congratulations to the following
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Miami University Football Ticket Promotion for LM Families
Miami University is offering a "Back to School" ticket promotion for the first home football game on Saturday, September 23rd. For every adult ticket purchased, you may claim two free kids tickets. If a family has more than two children, please do two
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UPDATE: Per Hamilton Township UPDATE: The large piece of equipment from Duke Energy being transported through HT is not expected to enter Hamilton Township until 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please be aware of rolling road closures this afternoon. This
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Family Connect Event
Cancer Family Care will be hosting a Family Connect Event on October 17th, 2023 where we will be processing the changes that cancer can bring to a family. Children ages 5-18 will attend age-appropriate support groups, while parents/caregivers will be in an
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Patriot Week is September 11th - 15th
Patriot Week is September 11th-15th In addition to various educational elements and activities explaining civic duties and patriotism at each building, students will wear red, white and blue clothing. Students will also learn about the tragedy of
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LMMS Family Newsletter - 9.6.23
LMMS Family Newsletter 9.6.2023 All School Announcements Fall Conferences are on 9/21, 9/28, and 11/9 from 3:30-7:00. Please use this link to sign up! For 6th grade,
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49 AP Scholars Announced!
Little Miami is proud to report that 49 LMHS students earned the distinction of AP Scholars due to their hard work on last year’s AP exams. While 33 of those students graduated in the class of 2023, there are 16 current Seniors sharing in the
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PAX Tools Training for Parents
Attention Parents. We are excited to offer a wonderful opportunity to learn more about PAX Tools strategies. PAX Tools is a set of evidence-backed, trauma-informed techniques designed to enhance collaboration to help children manage behavior. Rooted in
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Traffic Alert
UPDATE -Due to a multi-car accident at 22/3 and Stubbs Mills Rd, 22/3 is closed between Zoar Rd. and Classicway Blvd. The road is expected to be closed for an extended period of time. This will impact drivers and buses getting to the high school and middle
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First Responder & Military Recognition Game
Little Miami Local Schools would like to formally invite all local active/retired first responders and military members to attend & be recognized during the pregame ceremony at the Friday, September 8th Home Football Game vs. Lebanon. If you
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Nation Merit Scholarship
Two LMHS have qualified for the National Merit Scholarship. Congratulations to Jackson Fischer and Davis Hatte on this amazing honor! We will find out this fall if they move on in the competition. There are more than 1.3 million entrants to the
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LMMS Family Newsletter - 8.25.23
LMMS Family Newsletter 8.25.23 All School Announcements Please follow our Instagram page at lm_middleschool for updates, news and photos from around the building each week! MAP testing: Students are MAP testing 8/29-9/1 in
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Excessive Heat Watch
Dear Parents and Guardians, We hope you're doing well. We want to inform you about an upcoming weather event that may affect your child’s comfort and safety at school and on the bus. An Excessive heat watch has been issued for our area on Thursday,
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LMHS PTO Food Truck Rally
The LMHS PTO Community Event To help fundraise money for LMHS staff and students! The LMHS PTO will host a food truck rally and cornhole tournament. It is $30 and the registration google link is below. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes are available! There will be
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LMHS Picture Day
Don't forget, Thursday, August, 24th is Picture Day at Little Miami High School
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Welcome Back! We'd Love to Hear Your Thoughts on Going Back to School
We are excited to welcome everyone back to school for the 2023-24 school year. We hope everyone had a great summer! As we ease into a new academic term, we're eager to gather your valuable insights and perspectives on the experience of returning to
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Notice of August 22nd Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023 at 7 PM. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also live stream the meeting on YouTube. Click to
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LMMS Family Newsletter - 8.18.23
LMMS Family Newsletter All School Announcements THANK YOU! We had a great first week with our students! Students enjoyed various team and community-building activities last week, culminating in a pep rally on a Friday afternoon. We really enjoyed
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2023- 2024 Important Upcoming Dates
As we begin the school year, we'd like to take a moment to remind you of some important upcoming dates. August 14th: First Day of School (Grades 6-12) Beginning of Year Conferences at LMECC (8:30 am - 4:05 pm) Beginning of Year
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Welcome Back to School!
We are so excited for the 2023-2024 school year and the future of Little Miami Local Schools! Students in grades 6-12 kick off the year today and students in grades PK-5 to follow on Thursday! We hope everyone had a fantastic summer with friends and family.
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Thank You, Mrs. Dawn Gasper!
Leaving a lasting impact! This summer Dawn Gasper retired from Little Miami. BUT, if you know Mrs. Gasper you know she’s not going anywhere and will continue to make a tremendous impact on our community and schools. Until her final days at LMES Mrs.
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Notice of August 10th Special Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Thursday, August 10th, 2023 at 6 PM. Click to view agenda:
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LMMS Back to School Information #4
We are so excited to see you at Open House this week and to welcome your student back next week for the 23/24 school year! Here are some important reminders: Open House this week: August 10th from 5-7:30. Please plan to attend based on your
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Reduced Cost Meals are NO COST in 2023-24
Families that qualify for reduced lunch will receive meals at NO COST this year. The state of Ohio is covering the cost of meals for reduced-priced students for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year. For more information about the district's food
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LMMS Back to School Information #3
Greetings LMMS Families! Just a few reminders for Computer Pick Up and Open House: Computer Pick-Up- LMMS is offering a Device Pick Up THIS WEEK on August 4th between 8 and 12. All students will enter through the cafeteria doors.
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Little Miami Middle School Book Fair
The Little Miami Middle School Book Fair is back! It will take place during the school's open house on August 10th from 5-7:30 pm and during school hours from August 14 -24. All purchases through the book fair benefit our school. Before the fair begins
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Coping with Back to School Stress
As the new academic year approaches, we understand that the transition back to school can be overwhelming. With that in mind, we will be sharing information and offering support on coping with anxiety for a new school year with trained presenters with NAMI
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LMHS Open House 2023
LMHS Open House - August 9, 2023 5-7 pm Schedules will be available on Progress Book starting August 3rd. Please bring a copy of your class schedule to the open house to follow along with the timed schedule below. Locker
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Bus schedules now available
Little Miami bus schedules are now available online. You will need your student's six-digit student ID for busing information. If you do not know your student's student ID, contact your building secretary.
Look up your student's schedule here.
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Save the Date
Please join us on Monday, August 7th from 7-8 P.M. at the central office for a back to school discussion about stress and anxiety with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness).
More info coming soon!
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Asphalt Work at LMHS
Asphalt work has begun at LMHS. Access is limited as the majority of the parking lots and roads alongside the building are closed. Please enter and exit the grounds by the tennis courts. You may park out back where the busses park or at LMMS. The work will
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PK-5 2023-2024 Class Placement Information
PK-Grade 5 Class Placement Lists will be mailed to your home on August 4th. Please be aware that while you may be able to see your student’s class placement in ProgressBook or PaySchools Central, these placements may continuously be adjusted, as we
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LMMS Back to School Information #2
Attention LMMS Families! As we get closer to the start of the school year we wanted to send out a few important reminders and dates: Cell phones - In order to continue our focus on academic success, students (grades 6-8) are not permitted to use
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Back to School Information Hub
As we prepare to welcome back our students please be sure to check for updates on the back to school information page on our website.
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Important Health Reminder
Health Information Overview of Ohio Immunization Summary for School Attendance: KG students must submit immunization records. 7thGraders are required to have the DTap/DT Tdap/Td (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) vaccination and first dose
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LMMS Back to School Information
Attention LMMS Families! We hope everyone is enjoying their summer! We wanted to send out a few important reminders and dates: Student schedules: Student schedules and information will be available August 3rd on Progress Book. We will make
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2023-24 Transportation Enrollment Forms Available
The 2023-2024 Little Miami Transportation Enrollment Forms are now available online. Little Miami families are only required to fill out the Transportation Enrollment Form if their student is being transported to and from an address other than
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Breakfast is served
Breakfast is available on a daily basis. As we prepare for the upcoming school year we want parents to know that we serve breakfast on a daily basis. Menus are online now! See you soon
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Notice of July 18th Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 at 7 PM. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting on YouTube. Click to
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School Safety Discussion
The Women's Fund of Warren County is hosting a school safety discussion followed by a Q&A with incoming Little Miami Superintendent Regina Morgan and Springboro Superintendent Carrie Hester on Tuesday August 1st from 4-6pm at Hidden Valley
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New LMES Assistant Principal
We are excited to share the news that Tonda Carroll will be joining the leadership team at Little Miami Elementary School this upcoming school year as an Assistant Principal. Tonda has worked at Butler County Educational Service Center as Curriculum Specialist and at Mt. Healthy as RTL Coordinator.
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New LMHS Head Wrestling Coach
Little Miami is proud to announce the promotion of Paul Winkler to Head Coach of LMHS Varsity Wrestling. Under the direction of former coach Drew Hobbs, Winkler was in charge of many administrative responsibilities as well as being tasked with leading
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Notice of June 27th Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, June 27th, 2023 at 7 PM. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting on YouTube. Click to
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LMHS Student Makes History
Little Miami is proud to announce Mackenzie Evans is heading to Girls Nation! Only two "senators" are selected from each state's ALA Girls State. Mackenzie is the FIRST delegate from LM to be selected for this honor. She'll attend Girls Nation in
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2023-2024 Registration Information
While one school year draws to a close, we are already thinking about the next! If you will be registering a new student (Grades K-12) for the 2023-2024 school year, help ensure a smooth start by enrolling them by July 21st, 2023. General Registration
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New Campus Safety and Security Director
We are excited to announce that Joseph Smith will be joining the district as the new Campus Safety and Security Director. You may recognize Joe as he’s been one of the districts SRO’s for four school years as a member of the Hamilton
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Notice of June12th Special Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Monday, June 12th, 2023 at 6:30 PM. Click to view
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LMHS Digital Media Arts Wins Again
Digital Media Arts students continue to bring back awards to Little Miami High School. Episode 7 of The Panther Show recently won a Gold Level Viddy Award in the category of non-broadcast, longform video for education. It's the second Viddy Award of the
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Little Miami Athletics 2023 Hall of Fame Class Announced
In celebration of the district's fifth class, the 2023 Class will feature one championship team, one former coach and five former standout Panther student-athletes. The 2023 Class will be officially inducted into The Hall on Saturday August 19th at 1:30 PM in
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May 2023 Panther Pride Award Recipients
Our final Panther Pride Award recipients for this school year were recognized at last evening’s Board Meeting & we sure saved some well-deserving Panthers for last! Perry Tatlow – Art Teacher at LMMS was celebrated for her hard work in
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How LMES is Using Sensory Spaces to Enhance Learning Environment
Amazing things have been “growing on” at LMES all year! Building on the hard work done by a previous Eagle Scout project, LMES staff members, led by Counselor Dawn Gasper and STEM Teacher Stephanie Greishop, two incredible spaces- a Sensory
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Notice of May 23rd Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023 at 7 PM. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting on YouTube. Click to
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Buckeye Boys State
Eight LMHS students have been chosen to represent Little Miami at Buckeye Boys State this summer! During this experience, students will learn the operation of the democratic form of government, organization of political parties and the relationship of one to
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Power Outage & Phone Disruption 5/17
Power and phone services have been restored to all Little Miami buildings. Thank you for your patience.
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2023 Commencement Information
Class of 2023 and Families- It is your time!! The 2023 Commencement Ceremony is less than a week away and we wanted to remind you of some important details for this weekend. Graduation Practice is THIS FRIDAY, MAY 19TH in the LMHS Multi-Purpose Room at 8:00
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Medication Pickup
If your student has medication at school, it must be picked up by May 25th or it will be discarded. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your building nurse. LMHS: Wendy Gordon – [email protected] LMMS: Candace Jones –
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LMES Counselor Wins LifeChanger Award
Little Miami Elementary School counselor Dawn Gasper has been chosen as a LifeChanger Award winner for the 2022-23 school year. Mrs. Gasper was given the award during a surprise school assembly in front of 900 students and staff who excitedly cheered her on!
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Bus 48 (Ant) Involved in Minor Accident- NO INJURIES
This afternoon, Bus 48 (Ant) was involved in an accident with a mail carrier on Brandt Road, while 12 LMECC/LMPR students were still on board. We are grateful to report that there were no injuries as a result of this crash and minor damage was done to our
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Marla Timmerman to Become Assistant Superintendent
The great news keeps coming! We are so thrilled to announce that Mrs. Marla Timmerman will become the next Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, pending Board approval this month. Marla is a true advocate for the needs of our students and is
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2023 LMHS Academic Award Winners
Little Miami High School hosted their annual Academic Awards this morning and all we can say is WOW! These students have really demonstrated their willingness to grow and achieve in many areas. As we approach the end of the year, we hope you are proud of all
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LMHS Recognized as a "Distinguished STEM School"
Great news as we start the week! Little Miami High School has been recognized by Project Lead the Way (PLTW) as a “Distinguished STEM School.” LMHS is one of 262 high schools across the U.S. to receive this honor for providing broad
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New Assistant Principals at LMPR and LMHS
We are excited to share the news of the two new Assistant Principals that will join our leadership team for next school year! Mrs. Adrienne Sanders will join the LMHS Administrative Team (alongside Principal Dr. Kevin Harleman and Assistant Principal Chad
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Work Study Program End of Year Celebration
Last week, we were honored to celebrate the LMHS students involved in the Work Study program and recognize the local businesses that support these efforts. It is so exciting that our students have the opportunity to gain valuable work skills that will help
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Important Message Regarding LMHS
This afternoon, May 1st, LMHS Administration was made aware of concerning comments (including mention of ammunition and guns) being made in an online chat forum with LMHS students and an unknown person. While this conversation did not specifically mention
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Next Superintendent Announced - Congratulations Regina Morgan
The Little Miami Board of Education is thrilled and so very proud to announce Mrs. Regina Morgan as the next Superintendent of Little Miami Local Schools – and first female Superintendent in LM history! After careful consideration of staff, student,
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Notice of May 1st Special Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Monday, May 1st, 2023 at 7 PM. Click to view agenda:
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Class of 2023 Academic Top 10 Announced
It is hard to believe it is that time of year already, but we are thrilled to share the great news of the ten outstanding Senior Panthers who were recognized yesterday at the “Academic Top Ten” signing event. What a tremendous honor for an
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LMMS Art Classes Prepare for Fine Arts Festival
This Saturday, April 29th is the BIG DAY - the annual Little Miami Fine Arts Festival! As preparation, art classes at LMMS have been working hard & designing souvenir post cards for festival attendees! We stopped by Mrs. Boland’s Fifth Bell class of
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Notice of April 25th Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 at 7 PM. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting on YouTube. Click
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New Building Leadership at LMPR and LMHS for 23-24 School Year
While we are winding down this school year, we are already so excited about the next! Next school year will see two new Principals – Mrs. Amber Humber at Little Miami Primary School and Dr. Kevin Harleman at Little Miami High School! Mrs. Amber Huber
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Notice of April 18th Special Board Meeting
The Little Miami Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Tuesday, April 18th at 7 PM at Central Office. Click to view the agenda:
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Little Miami Earns Purple Star Award
We are so thrilled and proud to announce that all Little Miami school buildings have been renewed as Purple Star Award-winning schools by the Ohio Department of Education! The Purple Star Award recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students
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Two LM Teachers Earn Project Excellence Award
Congratulations to two exceptional educators, Lisa Walker and Lynsee Spatz, who have been recognized as the 2023 Project Excellence Award Winners! Mrs. Walker and Miss Spatz both teach at LMECC, caring for and preparing our Panther cubs for lifelong learning
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LMMS Begins State Testing April 18th
State testing begins on Tuesday, April 18th! Please see below for important reminders: These are online tests, so it is very important for students to charge their devices overnight. Students will NOT have time to charge their computers at school
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Superintendent Input ThoughtExchange Results
The results are in and we are excited to share the information from our Superintendent Input discussions on ThoughtExchange! We thank everyone for taking the time to share their thoughts and rate the thoughts of others. Your input is so valued! To view the
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New Members "Tapped" for National Honor Society
We are so excited to share that 58 LMHS students have been “tapped” for membership into National Honor Society. Last week, current NHS members welcomed new members into the group with a "tapping" ceremony, presentation of membership cards, and a
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April is Month of the Military Child
LM would like to recognize our military-connected students this April during the Month of the Military Child (MOMC). These amazing children are strong, brave, proud of the service their family members have dedicated to our nation. We celebrate their
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Important Message Regarding Bus Safety
We wanted to our learning community to be aware of parent/adult behavior that has recently escalated to a point of being unsafe. Since school dismissal on Friday afternoon, Little Miami Transportation has had two separate instances where a parent/adult has
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Notice of April 4th Special Board Meeting
The Little Miami Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Tuesday, April 4th at 7 PM at Central Office. Click to view the agenda:
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Bus 74 (Lobster) Involved in Minor Accident
Bus 74 (Lobster) was involved in a minor bus accident, with NO INJURIES, on the way to LMES this morning. There were students on board at the time. LM Transportation is currently working to notify the families of students on board at the time of the
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Seeking 2024-2025 Academic Calendar Feedback
We are requesting your feedback on the two proposed Academic Calendars for the 2024-2025 school year. You are able to view the calendars and share your thoughts & preference by participating in the Calendar ThoughtExchange discussion:
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LMHS Prom 2023
Prom season is almost upon us!! This year's event - "It Was Just a Dream" - will take place on Saturday, May 6th from 7:00-11:00 PM at the Savannah Center in West Chester. Here is all of the information you need to know to be ready to purchase tickets
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Safety Message Regarding LMMS
Today, March 28th, an anonymous, non-specific threat of violence was found written in the Girls Bathroom at Little Miami Middle School. This incident is currently under investigation by Hamilton Township Police Department and school administration.
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Notice of March 2023 Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, March 28th, 2023 at 7 PM. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting on YouTube. Click
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Safety Message Regarding LMHS
Late yesterday evening, March 24th, it was brought to the attention of LMHS Administration that concerning comments and a threat of violence were made by a student via social media chat. In this threat, the student alleged that a weapon was brought on to
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Seeking Superintendent Input
Little Miami Community– we are seeking your input on who should be the next leader of Little Miami Local Schools! Your thoughts and perspectives are all unique and valued, and we are very appreciative of any time you may take to share. Please enter your
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Safety Message Regarding LMHS
This afternoon, March 14th, a LMHS student made a threat during class that an incident involving a weapon would allegedly would occur tomorrow, March 15th at LMHS. Immediately, LMHS staff and the Hamilton Township SRO investigated the threat and removed the
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UPDATE Family Engagement Sessions - Grade Level Events
Please be aware that we have rescheduled the Grades 4 & 5 Family Engagement event originally scheduled for March 21st to April 6th. We have also added an event for grades 9-12, that will be held on March 21st. We are excited to invite all of our Panther
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Important Safety Message Regarding LMMS 3-8
A student at LMMS was arrested at school by Hamilton Township Police Department this morning, March 8th due to the discovery of live ammunition in their personal effects and for making generic safety threats to LMMS. There was no firearm discovered and
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LM Engagement Evening Scheduled for Superintendent Feedback
As we prepare for the search for the next Superintendent of Little Miami Local Schools, we know that it is vital to have the input of the community and key LM stakeholders as we move forward. We hope you will join us at a Little Miami Engagement Evening over
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Fine Arts Festival to Be Held April 29th
Save the date! A Panther community favorite is returning this Spring! The 2023 Fine Arts Festival will be held at Little Miami High School on Saturday, April 29th from 8 AM-4:00 PM. This event has something for the entire family- from fun artistic activities,
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Incoming 6th Grader Informational Night
Little Miami Middle School will host an Informational Night for 5th grade families regarding 6th grade in the LMMS Cafeteria on March 21st. Families are welcome to bring their student to this event. LMMS will host two informational sessions - one at
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Superintendent Power to Retire Aug. 1
On the evening of February 28th, Superintendent Greg Power informed the Little Miami School Board of his intention to retire as Superintendent of Little Miami Local Schools effective August 1, 2023. This well-deserved retirement comes after nearly 46 years in
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Notice of February Board of Education Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 at 7 PM. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting on YouTube. Click to view agenda:
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Kindergarten Registration Opens on Monday, Feb. 27th
Future Panther Cub Families this message is for YOU! Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 school year opens on Monday – February 27th! Get important information (including required documents needed for registration)
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Family Engagement Series - Kickoff March 7th
We are excited to invite all of our Panther families to a Family Engagement series regarding mental health supports & family services available at Little Miami! Join us at the kickoff event at Central Office (95 E. U.S. 22&3 Maineville, OH 45039) on
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LM Phone Lines Down - Building Contact Info
February 22nd - A phone service interruption is currently impacting all LM buildings, keeping all inbound and outbound phone calls from being made. If you need to contact your student’s building, please utilize the following office emails: Little
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Reminder - No School Feb. 17-20
As a reminder, there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Friday, February 17th – Monday, February 20th. Please enjoy your extended weekend and we will see all of our Panthers back in the classroom on Tuesday, February 21st.
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Request for Proposal - LMES Communication Tower Demo & Removal
Re: Radio Communications Tower Demolition and Removal Date: February 24, 2023 Bid Opening: Bids must be received on or before Monday, March 17, 2023, at 3:00 pm at the Little Miami Local Schools Administrative Offices located at 95 E. US 22&3,
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23-24 Preschool Spots Filled - Waitlist Open
All 2023-2024 Preschool spots have been filled and guardians of students accepted into the program have been notified of placement. If you are interested in joining the waitlist for the 2023-2024 school year and have not already done so, please click the
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LM CLOSED 1/31/2023
Little Miami Local Schools will be CLOSED today, January 31st due to road conditions. Today’s closure will be considered a “calamity day” and no instruction will be given. Please enjoy your day off & stay safe. Thank you!
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23-24 Kindergarten Registration Opens Feb. 27th
Future Panther Cub Families this message is for YOU! Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 school year opens one month from today – February 27th! Get important information (including required documents needed for registration) at
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College Credit Plus Informational Night Now Online
Due to today’s school closure, the College Credit Plus (CCP) Informational Night will NOT be held in-person this evening (1/25). Instead, all information on the CCP program can be found online HERE. If you have any questions, please contact your
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Little Miami CLOSED Jan. 25th
Little Miami Local Schools will be CLOSED tomorrow, January 25th in anticipation of the forecasted inclement winter weather. Tomorrow's closure will be considered a “calamity day” and no instruction will be given. Please enjoy your day off
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Project Excellence Nomination Window Open
The Project Excellence Committee of the Area Progress Council of Warren County, Inc. seeks to recognize and honor excellent teachers within the public schools in Warren County. We ask your assistance in identifying exceptional educators who demonstrate
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Notice of January Board of Education Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, January 24th, 2023 at 7 PM. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting on YouTube. Click here to view agenda.
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Notice of January Organizational Meeting
The Little Miami Board of Education will meet at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, January 10th for an Organizational Meeting followed by a Work Session Meeting. A Tax Budget Hearing will precede the Organizational Meeting and will begin at 6:15 PM. Both meetings will take
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The Panther Press
A really incredible new business has sprouted at Little Miami High School – “The Panther Press!” Students in the Structured Resource Room (SRR) are channeling both their creative & business minds, with the help of Student Government.
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