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LMMS Back to School Information
Posted on: July 26, 2022

Attention LMMS Families! We hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Please see the details below for important Back to School information regarding your 6th-8th grade student.
- Student schedule information will be available by August 8th on Progress Book. We will make announcements via social media and text/email when these schedules are available!
- Each student will be able to access their schedule, locker information and homerooms through ProgressBook through the following link:
- Sixth grade, seventh grade, eighth grade, and ALL NEW students (6th - 8th) will log into ProgressBook using the following format:
username: lastnamefirstname (ex. Cherryryan)
password: lastinitialfirstinitiallunchcode (ex. CR745234) (PASSWORD IS CASE SENSITIVE, YOUR INITIALS ARE CAPITALIZED)
- LMMS Open Houses will occur over two evenings:
- 6th grade – August 10th
- Last Names A-L 5:30-6:15
- Last Names M-Z 6:30-7:15
- 7th/8th Grade – August 11th
- Last Names A-L 5:30-6:15
- Last Names M-Z 6:30-7:15
- When school shopping, please remember to buy outfits that fit within the school dress code. A complete dress code can be found in the student handbook, but here are the basics.
- No hats or hoods
- Students' upper garments must cover shoulders, cleavage, and midriffs when students are standing, sitting, or reaching overhead.
- Students' lower garments must extend to at least the upper thigh when sitting, standing, or reaching.
- Clothing and accessories should not include obscene, violent, gang, tobacco, drug or alcohol related writing or images. Items should not have writing or images that are vulgar, offensive, libelous, promote intolerance or confrontation.
- If you have any questions, please contact your grade level administrator.
- 6th grade - Elyse Parker - [email protected]
- 7th grade - Ryan Cherry - [email protected]
- 8th grade - Travis Showers - [email protected]
We are looking forward to seeing our students back in August!