Statement from LM Supt. Greg Power
![photo of superintendent]( Greg 1-1340.jpg)
On the day George Floyd was killed and for days since, I have seen events unfold that are hard to watch. I find myself deeply saddened that, even in 2020, our nation continues to grapple with the issues of equality and dignity for all, and a systemic discrimination that makes a city street safe for one and not for another.
I am a white male leader of a predominantly white suburban school district. What is there that I can add to this conversation? I have struggled with this. But to remain silent, to not speak out against injustice, makes me complicit in that injustice.
The student enrollment at Little Miami Local Schools is 89.9 percent white. As a district, I believe we actively take a stance against discrimination and racism in our schools. I believe we strive to engage, educate and empower ALL students. But because I believe it doesn’t make it true.
I acknowledge that I do not know if 10.1 percent of our students feel if they have a voice. And as a school leader, that is unacceptable. I have to do more.
Our schools play a significant role in the formative years in our students’ lives. Through our Core Essentials character education program, we emphasize important traits like compassion, forgiveness, honor and kindness. But we must go farther. We must call out racism and condemn hatred inside and outside of our classrooms. We must go beyond fostering a culture of inclusion, and commit to increasing diversity in our staff, our building leaders and our administration.
It is critical to have many voices at the table and for all voices to be heard. We must take this stand.
Little Miami schools are a reflection of — and a beacon for — our community. We cannot fail our young people, for in them, there is the hope for change in our world.