Updated CDC Guidance - Feb. 25

Last Friday, February 25th, the CDC released updated guidance regarding lifting masking requirements on public school transportation. In alignment with this guidance, all Little Miami students and staff are no longer required to wear masks when utilizing Little Miami transportation. This optional masking guidance will be effective tomorrow, Monday February 28th.
The CDC has also amended their masking guidance in school settings based on COVID-19 case rates in specific locations. With this revised guidance, masking now becomes optional for all Little Miami students and staff who do not have COVID-19.
This new guidance is greatly welcomed news! With this new guidance and due to drastically declined COVID-19 cases among students & staff, Little Miami will return to pre- COVID-19 daily operations in our learning environments. Classroom spacing and seating restrictions are now lifted, and maintenance staff will begin preparing public water fountains for use once again.
Thank you for your patience as we navigate and adjust to these changes and move one step closer to returning to “normal”!