WCCC November Champion for Children

Mary Kamphaus is the WCCC November Champion for Children
From the Warren County Career Center
When employees embrace the opportunity-seeking attribute of an entrepreneurial mindset, they start identifying potential improvements, efficiencies, or innovations in their work. The School Psychology department would like to honor Mary Kamphaus as the November Champion for Children for demonstrating "Opportunity Seeking." Mary sought out the opportunity to assist in the training of two school psychology case managers in Little Miami this fall. Mary took the initiative to complete the multi-step process to train the district case managers on a new assessment tool, which has benefited the school psychology team in the district as well as other school psychologists and districts served by the ESC.
In addition, Mary has taken the steps to introduce a therapy dog, Curley, to Little Miami High School.
Through her work with staff, students, and families at Little Miami High School, Mary recognized the benefits a therapy dog could provide. She initiated the process of obtaining district and WCESC approval to seek out a dog for training and has successfully completed steps to welcome Curley to the staff of Little Miami High School, where he has been serving the building for over a year. Mary has shared that it has increased her interaction with staff and students in the building and has provided benefits to all at LMHS.