Blog Entries - October 2020

Feeding Little Miami Students for Success
COVID-19 has enhanced many challenges throughout the community. However, here at Little Miami, our team of dedicated and child-focused staff members are always looking to take their abilities one step further. Food Services Director, Mrs. Rachel Tilford, and
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Board of Education Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet in regular session on Tuesday, October 27th at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held virtually and will be broadcast on Facebook Live. See the agenda HERE.
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Bringing Social Emotional Learning into the Classroom
2020 has shown all of us just how important mental health is to our success in life, at home, and at work/school. Recognizing that self-care is vital to mental health and wellness, Little Miami wanted to find a way to supporting teachers and staff in their
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Little Miami High School Wins 2020 College Success Award
We are proud to announce that LMHS has received’ 2020 College Success Award! The College Success Award recognizes and celebrates high schools, like ours, that demonstrate excellence in ensuring students are prepared to succeed in
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2nd Semester VLA/In-Person Learning
As indicated prior to the start of school, LM students have the option of changing learning platforms (VLA or in-person) at semester break. Students who are satisfied with their current learning platform do not need to do anything to remain in that
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