Drop Off Directions
- Enter Little Miami Middle School from the round-a-bout and turn right to go around the building.
- Traffic from High School must turn right and re-enter the Middle School through the round-a-bout.
- From 6”:40 - 7:10: Please drop students only at cafeteria entrance marked B8 and the back corner marked C11. These entrances are marked with BLUE.
- At 7:10, all student entrance doors marked in GREEN will open.
- Doors will automatically lock at 7:20. After 7:20, please drop off students at the front of the building.
- When dropping off students, please pull as far forward as possible to accommodate traffic.
- Please drop off at the sidewalk on the LEFT side of the driveway.
- Please travel on the RIGHT side of the driveway.
- Once you have dropped off your student, please continue to drive all the way around the building as it is one way.
Car Rider Pick-Up Instructions:
- ALL Students will be dismissed at 2:00.
- Traffic from High School must turn right and re-enter the Middle School through the roundabout.
- When picking up students, please pull as far forward as possible to accommodate traffic.
- Please pick up at the sidewalk on the LEFT side of the driveway.
- Please travel on the RIGHT side of the driveway.
- Once you have dropped off your student, please continue to drive all the way around the building as it is one way.
Remember to be patient and keep an eye out for other drivers and students.