Military Family Resources
The Little Miami Local School district appreciates and values the military families who live in our community. As a district, we understand that military youth go through unique circumstances and we want our community to know that we are here to help. The staff in our schools have experience in assisting military youth and their families. This page is designed to provide you with easy access links to a few of the resources. Please contact your school counselor or Charles Hartman, School Resource Coordinator, for additional support.
The Little Miami Local School District also celebrates our military families throughout the district in various ways, including:
- Patriot Night at a high school football game
- Patriot Week across the district
- Veterans Day events held throughout the district
- Displays and recognition of veterans at many schools
- Fundraising and service projects to support our troops
Military Child Education Coalition Resources
Military One Source
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
- High Quality Education for Highly Mobile Children
- Troops to Teachers - Veterans Interested in Teaching Careers
- Military Family Guide to Finance
- Finding the Best Car Insurance for Military Families
- How to Maximize Your Military Benefits
- Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission: The Compact provides information addressing key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation.
- Ohio Military Youth and Family Events Calendar: A listing of Ohio military youth activities and camps compiled by the Ohio Adjutant General's Department.
- OhioFamily Readiness and Warrior Support Program : The Family Readiness and Warrior Support programs are designed to teach Ohio’s Service Members and Families to be “good fishermen” – knowledgeable, aware of resources, adaptable, and networked to succeed and grow from the experiences unique to military culture. In addition to providing information, the programs provide a platform to meet and relate to other Service Members and Families who understand the challenges and experiences of military life – and in particular, the challenges facing our geographically dispersed force.
- Ohio Military Kids: A support network for military youth who experience a loved one's deployment. Provides recreational, social, and educational programs for military youth in civilian communities geographically dispersed throughout the state.
- Warren County Veterans Services: Assists in making applications for benefits administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), emergency financial assistance and information and guidance in obtaining aid from various federal, state and local organizations.
- Warren County Veterans Emergency Financial Assistance
- ODE - Supporting Ohio's Military Families: Information on a number of Ohio programs to assist military families.
- American Red Cross: Emergency communication for military families, financial assistance, referral services, deployment support and services.
- Veterans Crisis Line: Connects veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available.
- Everyday Health: A Guide to mental health and therapy for military members and Veterans.
- March2Success: Online study materials to help improve scores on standardized tests such as state exit exams, college entrance exams, military entrance exam (ASVAB) and others. Content includes self-paced study programs in Math, English and Science, with a focus of materials on grades 8-12.
- National Military Family Association: Provides information and resources related to services and programs for military families.
- Pets for Vets: Pairs veterans with shelter dogs that are specially selected to match the veterans' personality.
- Our Military Kids: A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to provide support (grants) and recognition to military children. Grants pay for participation in activities that help children cope with stress and anxiety while their parents are recovering or absent.
- Sesame Workshop: Provides much-needed support and practical education through Talk, Listen, Connect, a multiphase outreach initiative to help young kids through deployments, combat-related injuries and the death of a loved one.
- Real Warriors: A multimedia public awareness campaign designed to encourage help-seeking behavior among service members, veterans and military families coping with invisible wounds.
- Ohio Higher Education for Veterans: Information and resources related to higher education for veterans, service members and their families.
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Support for veterans in need
- Mesothelioma & Veterans: (
- Mesothelioma & Veterans: (
- Epithelioid Mesothelioma:
- Mesothelioma Treatment Centers: (
- Best Trade Schools for Veterans : A guide to help Veterans choose the best military-friendly trade school
- MyLiaison - A complete guide to scholarships, grants and aid for military members, veterans and families
- Military to Civilian Resume Examples
Designing for Healing: Home Design Tips for People With PTSD

Purple Star Designation
All school buildings within the Little Miami Local School District are recognized for their commitment to serving students and families connected to the United States Armed Forces.
Among the requirements a school must meet to receive the Purple Star Award are designating a liaison between military-connected students and their families and the school, and making certain the liaison informs teachers of the military-connected students in their classrooms and the special considerations military families and students should receive.
Little Miami’s application included information about Little Miami High School’s unique veterans Wall of Honor, annual elementary school observances of Veteran’s Day and other military-focused activities and services around the district.
“Ohio’s military members and their families embody the ideals of service, sacrifice, and community. But they can’t do their jobs alone. The Purple Star Schools awarded today recognize the sacrifices military members and their loved ones make. These school communities have made a commitment to support them inside and outside the classroom,” said Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. “Purple Star Schools are shining examples of Ohioans working together, encouraging one another, caring for one another and, ultimately, creating a brighter future for our state.”
The Purple Star designation is a 3-year designation. All Little Miami Schools earned this designation in 2019 and were renewed in 2023.