LMHS Air Force Junior ROTC Program Earns Highest Marks

The AFJROTC program underwent a Unit Evaluation on October 14th, is the AFJROTC Unit Evaluation. This evaluation was conducted by the Region 7 Director for Headquarters Air Force JROTC. This evaluation occurs once every three years and the AFJROTC cadets worked diligently to ensure they were prepared.
The Air Force Junior ROTC instructors and cadets of Little Miami High School in Morrow, OH earned an overall unit assessment score of “Exceeds Standard,” the highest rating attainable, during their evaluation. Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Charles H. Peterson and Chief Master Sergeant (Retired) David W. Dillon, created a dynamic and supportive learning environment coupled with an excellent community outreach. The instructors provided outstanding leadership in administering the cadet-centered citizenship program. The Little Miami High School cadets performed exceptionally well and took great pride in leading and accomplishing their unit goals. The Little Miami High School Air Force ROTC citizenship program is making a positive impact on the cadets, the school and the community. Congratulations to the cadets and supervisors of the AFJROTC program on a job very well done!