Blog Entries - November 2022

2023-2024 Preschool Enrollment Information Now Available
Come join the fun at LMECC! Important Preschool Registration Information & Dates for the 2023-2024 school year are now online! Click the link for the details: We can’t wait to meet our future Panther
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Digital Media Arts Students Win Viddy Award!
The LMHS Football Video Crew, comprised of students from the LMHS Digital Media Arts program, has received a Gold Level Viddy Award in the category of non-broadcast sports video! Instructor Mr. DeSanctis says that, “These talented students volunteer
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Breakfast with Santa - December 10th
Save the Date! Breakfast with Santa is BACK at Little Miami High School on Saturday, December 10th! Bring the kids to meet Santa & enjoy a delicious breakfast spread. The window to purchase tickets online has closed, however tickets are
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2023-2024 Academic Calendar Announced
Last week, the Board of Education approved Calendar Draft 4 to be the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar. After requesting feedback from staff and the community, Draft 4 was the overwhelming favorite. Thank you to everyone who contributed their feedback to the
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59 AP Scholars Announced!
Little Miami is proud to report that 59 LMHS students earned the distinction of AP Scholars as a result of their hard work on last year’s AP exams. While 48 of those students graduated in the class of 2022, there are 11 current Seniors sharing in the
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Notice of November Board of Education Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting on YouTube. Click to
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Heisman School Scholarship Winners
Two Little Miami High School students are among the 2022 School Winners for the Heisman High School Scholarship! Congratulations to Paige Zimmerman and Gavin Roberts! From an applicant pool of thousands of high school scholar-athletes graduating with
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Panthers Are... World Changers!
LMHS student Aubrey Ferrell is stepping up and using her diagnosis of Type One Diabetes to raise awareness about the disease & hopefully make change to improve the lives of those diagnosed moving forward. In her role as a Youth Ambassador with the
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National School Psychology Week
National School Psychology Week is November 7-11th, 2022, which is a fun, easy way to highlight the important work school psychologists do to help all students thrive. We are proud to have five school psychologists in the district to assist our students and
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