Blog Entries - December 2018

List: LMHS among best at preparing students for college
Little Miami High School ranks high among Cincinnati's public schools for preparing students for college, according to a Dec. 11, 2018 article in the Cincinnati Business Courier. The publication ranked Greater Cincinnati public high schools by students'
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ACT high achievers recognized
More than 30 Little Miami High School students have gained access to a pretty exclusive club. LMHS is taking time to recognize some of the district’s highest academic achievers with the new 30+ ACT Club for students who earned a 30 or higher composite
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Careers in Rock -- the non-band band
New tunes and cover versions could all be heard at the LMHS Careers in Rock music class's recent semester concert. In the class, teacher Greg Robinson instructs students who are not typically involved in school band how to play keyboard, guitar, drums. The
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LMHS exams Dec. 12-14
Little Miami High School will hold semester exams Dec. 12-14. See the schedule for the week below: Dec. 10: Regular Schedule Dec. 11: Regular Schedule Dec. 12: ETEH 7:15-7:46 1st Period Exam 7:51-9:26 2nd Period Exam 9:31-11:06 5th Period
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