Blog Entries - May 2019

LMHS summer reading announced
Little Miami High School students who will be taking honors English in the fall of 2019-2020 have summer reading assignments to complete. See the info below. Grade 9 Honors English Grade 10 Honors English Grade 11 Honors English AP
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Congratulations to the Class of 2019
On Sunday, May 19, students in the Little Miami High School Class of 2019 crossed the stage at Wright State University’s Nutter Center and accepted their diplomas. This year’s graduating class of 313 garnered more than $4 million scholarships and
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Class of 2019 graduation May 19
Commencement exercises for the Little Miami High School Class of 2019 will be held Sunday, May 19 at 6 p.m. at the Nutter Center on the campus of Wright State University. To view a live feed of the ceremony, click this link:
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Creativity on display at Fine Arts Festival
A rich diversity in musical and visual art was on display on May 4 at Little Miami's annual Fine Arts Festival.
Everything from video movie adaptations to a capella choral music could be enjoyed throughout the day. Below is a gallery of just a few scenes from the day.
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Honoring the best of the best
Little Miami High School took time to honor the Class of 2019's top 10 highest achieving seniors at an Academic Signing event on May 1. These students--who will attend Brigham Young, Heidelberg University, Milligan College, Xavier and Ohio State, among
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6 earn IT industry credentials
Six Little Miami High School students have earned high-level industry credentials in the information technology field even before graduation. These students passed exams from the Computer Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), a non-profit trade
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Technology info meeting May 21
A parent informational meeting about Little Miami Junior High's new one-to-one technology initiative will be held Tuesday, May 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. At this meeting, parents will hear an overview about the new computer devices that
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LM students honored during In Demand Jobs Week
In celebration of “In Demand Jobs Week” May 6-10, Lt. Governor Jon Husted and Ohio Sen. Steve Wilson honored high school students from around Warren County who have completed a rigorous career technical program and are entering the workforce in a
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