Blog Entries - August 2019

Chorale to perform at OMEA Conference
The Little Miami Select Women's Chorale was chosen to perform at the 2020 OMEA Professional Development Conference, which will be held in Cincinnati. This is the fourth time the chorale has been selected to be featured at an OMEA conference, having
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First days of school: By the numbers
Little Miami began the 2019-2020 school year with an enrollment of 5,195 students. This includes more than 800 new students who enrolled over the summer from our community, 20 different states and Canada. This enrollment number includes 352 new kindergarten
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Seeking Little Miami alumni
Are you a proud Little Miami graduate? Then we are looking for you! The Little Miami Alumni Scholarship committee is asking any and all graduates to complete a survey about their experiences at Little Miami High School. The committee will be honoring
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