Class of 2018 collects scholarships, awards

Seniors from the Little Miami High School Class of 2018 were recently honored for outstanding achievement and for garnering dozens of scholarships from local organizations.
The Class of 2018 accepted more than $4 million in scholarship offers from colleges and universities. Students who were offered scholarship packages and who won $30,000 in local scholarships were recently recognized at Senior Awards Night.
In addition, 106 seniors were awarded the Lamp of Knowledge, which is given in recognition for maintaining a 3.75 GPA for the entirety of their high school career.
Local Scholarship Winners
Butlerville Elementary PTO Laurie Metty Memorial Scholarship: Philip Bertsch - $500
Clyde Demitt Memorial Scholarship: Shaun Loftin - $250
Edith Ferguson Memorial Scholarship: Niah Craig - $1,000
F.O.E. Aerie #1395 Scholarships: Alexander Fletcher - $1,000
French Club Scholarship: Sarah Blevins- $250
Hamilton Maineville PTO Scholarship: Alexis Hickey - $500
Hawk Foundation Scholarship: Rachel Agricola - $1,000
Heritage at Miami Bluffs Men’s Club Scholarship: Grant Frith and Stephen Bullimore - $500 each
Heritage at Miami Bluffs Women’s Club Scholarship: Sarah Preisler and Brooke Sargent - $500 each
Jackson Kimball Memorial Scholarships: Alexis Hickey and Hailey Schatzman - $500 each
Jewell Foundation Scholarship: Daulton Durham - $1,000
Kaitlyn Gentry Memorial Scholarship: Kara Garrett - $1,000
Kevin C. Barnhill Memorial Scholarship: Abigail Rowland - $2,000, Jacob Shirey - $2,000
Kristen Z. Bernath Memorial Scholarship: Ashleigh Anderson - $1,000
Little Miami Alumni Scholarship: Grant Frith - $750, Coy Smearsoll - $750, Hannah Corbin - $750
Little Miami Athletic Boosters Scholarship: Jake Gevedon - $1,000, Hannah Corbin - $1,000
Little Miami Band Boosters Scholarship: Joseph Swisher - $1,000
Little Miami Board of Education Scholarship: Taylor Heatherly - $1,000
Little Miami High School PTO Scholarship: Ben Hugenberg, Zachary Knoblauch, Brianna Ott, Sara Peacock, Rachel Agricola - $500 each
Little Miami Intermediate School PTO Scholarship: Dawson Paul and Tejas Dinesh - $300 each
Little Miami Junior High PTO Scholarship: Shaun Loftin and Kara Garrett - $250
Little Miami Junior High Student Council “Future Stars” Scholarship: Natalie D’Andrea and Jacob Shirey - $500
Mikaela E. Little Memorial Scholarship: Mason Walker and Karrah Wind - $500
O.A.P.S.E. Chapter 516 Scholarship: Grant Frith and Tejas Dinesh - $500
Robert Williams Memorial Scholarship/Butlerville Lodge: Chase Williams and Matilyn Cummins - $750
Salem Elementary PTO Scholarship: Cadie Bieler and Daniel Thorbury - $250 each
Steven L. Kohus Memorial Scholarship: Joseph Swisher - $750
Marissa Frederick Memorial Scholarship: Shaun Loftin and Hanna Corbin - $1,000
Danny Birdsall Memorial Scholarship: Alison Benbow - $1,500
Brayden Thornbury “Achieve Your Dreams” Scholarship: Matthew Floss and Meghan Owens - $1,525
Rachel and Michael Tilford Food Service Scholarship: Riley Gintert and Henry Mai - $500
Goshen Ch. #382 Order of the Eastern Star Scholarship: Chase Williams - $500
Anthony Muñoz Scholarship: Daniel Thornbury - $2,000
Mable and Lawrence S. Cooke Academic Scholarship by the National Eagle Scout Association: Tejas Dinesh - $2,500
Panther Volleyball Scholarships: Riley Gintert, Sarah Nowicki, Meghan Owens, Mackenzie Schooley, Nicole Schwartzenberger, Felicity Walker, Karrah Wind - $500