Class of 2021 Graduation Announcement & Information

Exciting news for the Class of 2021! Little Miami would like to announce that the 2021 Commencement Ceremony will be tentatively held on Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at Wright State University’s Nutter Center. We are so proud to be able to give our 2021 graduates a safe & well-deserved celebration to punctuate their time at Little Miami.
Each graduate will be given four tickets. Each set of tickets will be seated together, socially distanced from other groups. Ushers will escort attendees to their seats. Attendees will not be able to choose where they are seated. All audience members and graduates are required to wear masks during the entirety of the ceremony. Any attendee or graduate who does not adhere to the mask guidance will be asked to leave the ceremony.
Graduates and attendees must promptly leave the Nutter Center immediately following the ceremony and will not be permitted to congregate indoors.
To accommodate those who are unable to attend in-person, the ceremony will be live streamed and recorded. Information about where to access the graduation live stream will be communicated in future notifications.
More specific information about graduation practice and any additional details will be distributed next month.
All graduation information and details are subject to change, pending COVID-19 resurgence, additional guidance, or protocols from the Warren County Health District or Ohio Department of Health.
Class of 2021 Graduation Information
Date: Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 6:00 PM
Location: Nutter Center – Wright State University (3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Fairborn, OH 45324)
Ticket Information: 4 tickets per graduate. All 4 tickets issued MUST sit together.