Finn to study in Hawaii this summer

Little Miami Junior High teacher Nancy Finn, a current master's student in the Global Field Program from Miami University's Project Dragonfly, will travel to Hawaii in late July to study ecology and sustainability.
Finn will study what it takes to save species in the wild and engage with local partners developing and testing site-specific methods of community engagement to sustain ecological and social health. Students in this course join with San Diego Zoo Global, Project Dragonfly, and Hawaiian partners to explore what it takes to save species in the wild, focusing especially on the work of the zoo's Institute for Conservation Research, which uses science, education, and community programs to rescue species from the brink of extinction.
The Institute’s Keauhou Bird Conservation Center (KBCC) has a successful history of restoring Hawaiian birds and their native forested habitats. The KBCC is currently working with several species, including the Hawaiian crow, or ‘Alalā, which has been extinct in the wild since 2002, and whose last remaining members live only in captivity.
Finn works as a science and social studies teacher at Little Miami Junior High School.