Leaders Built at LM – HOBY Leadership Winners Announced

Little Miami Local Schools would like to recognize five esteemed LMHS sophomores who are taking their call to leadership to new heights! Kendall Gentry, Ben Poole, Cade Spencer, Zee Thrush, and Lexi Waters have earned the achievement of being named Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) Leadership Contest Winners for the 2020-2021 school year.
Students are entered into this essay competition after being first nominated for their exemplary leadership skills by a LM staff member. In an additional recognition, Ben Poole was named the overall winner for Little Miami Local Schools! Kendall, Ben, Cade, Zee, and Lexi will have the opportunity to represent Little Miami this summer for a week-long HOBY Virtual Leadership Conference. Congratulations to all of the winners! Little Miami is so proud to see what you will accomplish!
About HOBY
For more than five decades, HOBY has inspired young people to make a difference and become catalysts for positive change in their home, school, workplace, and community. As America’s foremost youth leadership organization, HOBY has a long history of successfully motivating young people to develop into outstanding leaders.
HOBY stresses volunteerism, integrity, excellence, diversity, and community partnership. Emphasizing these key organizational values, we execute our vision to motivate and empower young adults. Through understanding and action, based on effective, compassionate, and service-driven leadership, students learn to make a positive difference within our global society.