LMHS Digital Media Arts Wins Again

Digital Media Arts students continue to bring back awards to Little Miami High School. Episode 7 of The Panther Show recently won a Gold Level Viddy Award in the category of non-broadcast, longform video for education. It's the second Viddy Award of the year and the second straight year that an episode of The Panther Show has been honored.
"I'm so proud of our DMA 2 students who continued to push themselves to try new things and explore their creativity in different ways. This episode in particular shows the different styles of content that our students can create and it's been great to watch them develop their skills to get to this point. The Panther Show has continued to grow since it was launched in the fall of 2021 and I'm excited to see where it goes," said Digital Media Arts Teacher Nick DeSanctis.
You can watch all episodes of The Panther Show here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLld3f2dTworcoEIaMJbc3UUIgyKuNKyGz