Students ranked nationally on French exam

Little Miami language students Hunter Bishop and Nilli Tayidi have ranked nationally on the 83rd annual Le Grand Concours, a national competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French.
Students were evaluated for their written, oral and listening comprehension skills in French. More than 75,000 students in all 50 states competed in the 2018 event.
Bishop, a junior at LMHS, ranked seventh in the regional chapter and eighth nationally on the exam. He earned a silver medal for scoring in the top 90th percentile, scoring better than 90 percent of all other students who took the exam within his level and division.
Nilli Tayidi, an 8th grader at LMJHS ranked tenth in the regional chapter and 11th nationally on the exam. She earned a bronze medal for scoring in the top 80th percentile. Their teacher is Madame Elizabeth Oancea.
Honorable Mention students included Jaylen Woon, Nicole Appel, Benjamin Carr, Princesa Barradas-Gomez, Anna Hagan, Tyler Kivircik, & Kristen Lovins.
French students who rank nationally in Le Grand Concours demonstrate a superior level of global responsibility, integrative cultural competence, language skills, and commitment to excellence and dedication.
For more information about the National French Contest, please visit our website: