The Panther Press

A really incredible new business has sprouted at Little Miami High School – “The Panther Press!” Students in the Structured Resource Room (SRR) are channeling both their creative & business minds, with the help of Student Government. With the goal of spreading school spirit while creating an inclusive environment, students in the SRR create school spirit items to share throughout the building!
With the help of a grant, the Panther Press group was able to purchase a Cricut Maker, Cricut Heat Press, and supplies to design and create school spirit items. Students rotate though job assignments, such as accounting, customer service, and production to create truly incredible products!
In December, the Panther Press designed and created 200 “Good Luck Grams” that students could send to their friends before exams, as well as Panther acrylic keychains. This month, the Panther Press will be focused on creating products to highlight LMHS sports, clubs, and birthday locker signs.
Jamie Feuerbach, a Paraprofessional in the SRR says, “We are very excited to provide real job experiences for our students while building their confidence.” Way to go Panther Press!