Blog Entries - January 2020

Nominate a teacher for Project Excellence
Is there a Little Miami teacher who has made a positive impact on you or a student you know? If so, nominate that teacher for Project Excellence, a program that aims to identify exceptional educators who demonstrate excellence in instruction or
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Science Night/Escape Room coming March 6
Putting on your thinking cap and join Little Miami Intermediate School at their Mad Scientist's Escape Room plus Science Night on Friday, March 6 from 7-9 p.m. See the informational flyer, which includes a link on how to book your time for the Escape
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6 LM schools earn Purple Star award
All six school buildings within the Little Miami Local School District were recently recognized for their commitment to serving students and families connected to the United States armed forces. On Jan. 15, the Ohio Department of Education announced the 94
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College Credit Plus meeting Jan. 16
Little Miami will host a general informational meeting regarding the College Credit Plus program on Thursday, Jan. 16 at 6 p.m. in the Little Miami High School auditorium. Through the College Credit Plus program, qualified students in grades 7-12 for the
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