Blog Entries - October 2018

Dodgeball Tourney Oct. 23
The fifth annual Little Miami Junior HIgh dodgeball tournament will be held Tuesday, Oct. 23 beginning at 3:15 p.m. in the junior high gym. Teams must have six players to play, and can be all boys, all girls, or co-ed. Tacky uniforms are encouraged. A
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6th grade visits Great American Ballpark
Sixth grade students from Little Miami Intermediate School recently had a chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at Great American Ballpark and insight into what it takes to run a professional sports team. After touring the stadium, the home dugout and the
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DI informational meeting Oct. 18
Do you have or know of a student who enjoys the performing arts, engineering, construction, research, science and design? Then try D.I.! An informational meeting to learn more about the Destination Imagination program will be held Thursday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m.
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