Blog Entries - May 2018

'18-'19 school supply lists announced
School supply lists for the 2018-2019 school year have been announced. Click the appropriate grade level for your list. Grades 9-12 Grades 7-8 Grades 5-6 Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade
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School offices on summer hours
Little Miami school offices are now operating on summer hours. All school offices, with the exception of the high school, will close for the summer on Thursday, May 31. They will reopen on July 30. The high school office is open daily, 6:30 a.m. to 3
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New family welcome July 26
Little Miami is putting out the welcome mat for all families who are new to the district. On Thursday, July 26 at 5:30 p.m., all new LM students and families are invited to the Little Miami High School auditorium for the District Welcome Event. Families will
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Green thumbs and new beginnings
Some Little Miami Intermediate School students got their hands dirty this week by planting their school garden, along with help from the Warren County Master Gardener Program. Fifth and sixth graders, under the supervision LMIS counselor Dawn
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Indoors or out, Fun Run still a blast
Fickle spring weather brought the Little Miami Intermediate School Fun Run inside, but students nevertheless had the opportunity to raise funds while doing something active. If students ever had the urge to run in the cafeteria they got ample opportunity to
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Open house schedule changes for 18-19 school year
It is officially back-to-school time when those annual Open House nights roll around in August, but sometimes that open house experience can be a little hectic. In response to parent feedback, Little Miami has changed the way it will host open houses for the
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