Blog Entries - September 2018

LMIS detectives on the case
If you believe every television crime show, it appears every case can be wrapped up in an hour's time. But students in Stephanie Grieshop's STEM class recently learned it takes a lot of time to sort out all of the clues that crop up around a dastardly
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Homecoming & Spirit Week on the way!
The march toward a Homecoming victory against Northwest begins with Spirit Week, Sept. 24-28. Homecoming ParadeThe 2018 Homecoming Parade will step off 5:30 p.m. from Little Miami Jr. High School and will again circle the campuses of Little Miami Jr. High
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Garden producing veggies, lessons
The Little Miami Intermediate School garden is once again producing a bumper crop of delicious vegetables and hands-on lessons in Mother Nature. Not only has the garden produced tomatoes, carrots, peppers and other veggies for the school cafeteria, the
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Drug awareness program coming Nov. 1
The Little Miami School District invites parents to attend a unique drug awareness program called “Right Under Your Nose” on Thursday, Nov. 1 at Little Miami Intermediate School. This is an adults-only program that will include a realistic
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