Thanking our school counselors

Little Miami is pleased to recognize all of our school counselors during National School Counseling Week Feb. 5–9, 2018.
Little Miami is proud to recognize counselors who work in partnership with parents as they encounter the challenges of raising children in today's world; for focusing on positive ways to enhance students' social/personal, educational and career development; and working with teachers and other educators to provide an educational system where students can realize their potential and set healthy, realistic and optimistic aspirations for themselves.
Little Miami counselors were asked three questions about their work. Read their responses below.
Bridget Herron (LMHS)
How do school counselors help Little Miami students? School counselors help Little Miami students by addressing their college, career, and social/emotional needs.
What is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part of my job is helping students with their post-secondary goals, whether that is attending college, enlisting in the military, or going straight into the workforce. I enjoy watching students transition to young adulthood.
Tell us one thing that people may not know about you. I competed in my first power-lifting meet last year, and actually placed top 20 in the nation for squat in my weight class.
Tammy Martin (LMHS)
What is your favorite part of the job? Working with our students.
Tell us one thing that people may not know about you. I have camped in all 50 states.
Jessica Nethers (LMHS)
How do school counselors help Little Miami students? We help students in several different ways. We are here as academic and college advisors to help students identify the best post-secondary plan for them. We also serve as the front line for any immediate social and emotional concerns. We help students navigate tricky social situations, we can serve as mediators between students, or we may refer a student to an outside counselor if the concern is beyond our scope of expertise.
What is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part of the job is getting to know the students and seeing them progress through high school.
Tell us one thing people may not know about you. One thing people may not know about me is that I am OBSESSED with Billy Joel. I've seen him in concert five times. I even planned my spring break trip around his concert in Memphis two years ago.
Brandy Phillips (LMHS)
How do school counselors help Little Miami students? School Counselors helps students in a variety of ways. We help with academics needs. We help students reach their future goals. We help students work through tough situations with their peers and families. We provide students with a safe place to talk or cry when needed. We give students support and help through grow as they make their way through Little Miami High School. We try to get to know our students on a personal level so we can meet all of their needs.
What is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part of being a school counselor is watching students grow and reach their goals throughout their high school career. It is so rewarding to see them enter as freshmen and then to be here with them as they navigate their way into adulthood. When they walk across the stage at graduation I feel so proud of each and every one of them. It is so rewarding to help students reach their full potential.
Tell us one thing that people may not know about you. People might not know that I love traveling. I would like to travel to all 50 states eventually. At this point, I have been to 38 of them! I love exploring new places and trying new things. I find it to be very exciting.

Tarra Braunscheidel (LMJH)
How do school counselors help Little Miami students? In the junior high the role of the school counselor takes on many different hats as I like to call it. I may have a plan going into the day and things constantly are being shifted around. I think the best way to describe my job is flexibility. I am working with students on social emotional issues, mental health concerns, academic needs, as well as career planning. I consider myself a person that the students can trust to come to for added support, questions, and/or needs that they may need help with at that given time.
What is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part of my job is that everyday is a new day! I love walking the hallways in the morning seeing students' energy, as well as being available during the lunch periods to see students in their total element of socialization! I also enjoy the differences in my positions one being to work individually with students, in small group settings whether it be a girls group a social skills group, or an anger management group. I am also in the classroom as well which makes it exciting because I get to work with every student within my grade level. I love getting to know every student and when I am able to smile and know every student by name and they know me, it is a great day!
Tell us one thing that people may not know about you. One thing people may not know about me is that I went to Xavier University and had the opportunity for three years to attend several Elite 8 and Sweet 16 basketball games. Another fact is that I am not from this area. I am originally from a small town of 15,000 in northwest Ohio called Tiffin. Tiffin is known for Ballreich's Potato Chips and Cross Country Carnival meets.
Andrea Wall (LMJH)
How do school counselors help Little Miami students? I feel, as a counselor, I am first and foremost an advocate to help students navigate their two years here at the Junior High. That can include academic questions and planning, career guidance to help them determine what things interest them that could have potential for a future career, or social/emotional guidance to help them build coping skills that allow them to communicate with their peers and family. At the end of the day, there's a reason we have guardians until at least 18. Kids don't always think things through, they make lots of mistakes and we have to teach and guide them to learn from those mistakes. I try to enter each situation with the perspective would I want this handled if this were my kiddo?
What is your favorite part of the job? I love working in education. It's like you never left school yourself. So many people cringe when I tell them I work in a Junior High, and I don't get it! Every day is different, and although there are challenges, it is really fun to work with kids everyday.
Tell us one thing that people may not know about you. I have six brothers and sisters and love being around lots of people. It is almost impossible for me to feel comfortable with not speaking to someone for more than a couple hours.
Dawn Gasper (LMIS)
How do school counselors help Little Miami students? As a school counselor I try my best to offer support and resources to all of my students in order to help them be successful socially, emotionally and academically. That support could be working with them one on on, in a small group, in the classroom, or sending home information to their parents.
What is your favorite part of the job? Working with people. I have been blessed to work with some amazing students, colleagues, families, and community agencies.
Tell us one thing people may not know about you. I was very involved in 4-H as a youth. I showed hogs, steers, and rabbits. I even won a pig in the county fair pig scramble. I also entered sewing, cooking, and arts/crafts projects. I made it to the State Fair in Quick Breads, placing 3rd place.
Brittany Stultz (Butlerville & Maineville Primary Schools)
How do school counselors help Little Miami students? I think school counselors help Little Miami students by being their advocate. Sometimes our students need someone in their "corner". My goal is to always try and be the one person students know they can go to for anything, and that I will listen.
What is your favorite part of the job? Hands down working with the students. Whether I am working with students individually, in small groups or in the classroom, it is wonderful to see them learn new things and discover more about their world. At the elementary level this happens every day, and it is incredible to be a small part of their discovery.
Tell us one thing that people may not know about you. I love to paint my fingernails! I am always in search of a new nail polish color to add to my collection.

Raegan Malbanc (Salem Twp. Elementary)
How do school counselors help Little Miami students? At the elementary level, school counselors help students develop compassion, positive self esteem, and social skills. We also help our elementary students explore different career options so that they start thinking about the relationship between their subjects at school and their future choices. Elementary school counselors also support students who are struggling academically by working with them on organizational skills and helping them learn to work collaboratively with other students in groups.
What is your favorite part of the job? Working with the students is my favorite part of the job! Whether it is in a whole class visit, small group, or individually, I enjoy seeing their excitement about learning new things or thinking about things from other perspectives.
Tell us one thing that people may not know about you. I am an avid baseball fan! I have visited 10 major league ballparks so far, including Cincinnati, both Chicago ballparks, both New York ballparks, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Kansas City, Detroit, and Pittsburgh. I have also visited many minor league and independent league ballparks as well.