Update Secure Online Portal

There are two very important school preparation in this message. Please read this message in its entirety so that you are aware of all relevant information.
First, it is time to complete your student’s annual update of the Secure Online Portal. If you are a brand-new student to Little Miami this school year (2022-2023), you DO NOT need to update the Portal, as your important information was submitted at Registration.
It is important that your student’s information in the Secure Online Portal is up to date at the start of every year. Families must update key student information, including emergency medical and contact information, acknowledgement of the district policies and handbooks, and the computer/internet acceptable use policy.
Second, Little Miami will be utilizing a new notification system this year, called SwiftK12! The district has chosen this new notification tool in hopes that the new system will be an improvement in communication delivery to our families.
What Does the Transition to SwiftK12 Mean for My Family?
Families no longer need to opt-in to receive text messages from Little Miami. If your mobile phone number is in the Secure Online Portal, you will receive text messages.
Save the shortcodes99538 and phone number 15135723767 as “Little Miami” contacts in your mobile device.
When LM sends a phone call message, the Caller ID will read as follows:
- District notification: 513-899-5170
- LMHS: 513-899-3781
- LMMS: 513-899-3408
- LMES: 513-899-5275
- LMPR: 513-899-2334
- LMECC: 513-899-5200
How Can I Ensure I Get Alerts & Messages From Little Miami?
Be sure your current contact information is updated in the Secure Online Portal. You do not need to “sign up” for alerts. As long as your contact information is updated in your student’s profile you should receive alerts. IMPORTANT – if your student would like to receive text or phone alerts, please ensure their mobile number is in the Secure Online Portal as well.
If you have questions, please contact Communications@lmsdoh.org.