2022-2023 Safety & Security Updates

The safety and security of our Panthers will always be our top priority. As such, Little Miami has implemented a series of safety improvements and updates over the summer. While the details of our safety plans and specific elements related to our buildings are not available to the public, there are many updates that we are proud to share.
New School Resource Officers Added to the District
Little Miami has added two new School Resource Officers (SROs) to the two existing officers in the district. Hamilton Township Officer Joe Smith will return to Little Miami Primary (he was previously the SRO at the former Little Miami Intermediate School) while Morrow Officer Hawk will serve the Welch Road sites (Little Miami Elementary & Little Miami Early Childhood Center). Officers Smith and Hawk will join Officer Brandenburg, who serves Little Miami High School, and Officer Elzey at Little Miami Middle School.
We are so grateful to Hamilton Township and the Village of Morrow for their partnership!
New Visitor Management System Implemented in Each Building
Upon entering the Main Entrance of any building, all visitors and volunteers will be required to scan a valid driver’s license or a current government-issued identification. If you do not have identification with you upon entering the building, our secretaries will manually enter your information into the system for approval.
Using the information on your identification card, the SchoolSafeID system does immediate background check to detect any issues that may prohibit further entrance into our buildings.
After following the quick steps on the touch-screen kiosk, and receiving approval for building admittance, a badge with visitor information, picture, and purpose for entry will be printed for the visitor to wear while in our buildings.
Building Camera Systems Upgraded
Security camera upgrades are in progress with camera replacements and additions at LMPR, LMES, LMMS, and LMHS. An upgraded monitoring and access system is also being programmed at all Little Miami buildings.
Building Communication
LMHS, LMMS, and LMES are all receiving upgrading building communication systems replacing equipment that have been operationally out of date.
Glass Reinforcement
While our recent additions and construction at LMHS, LMMS, and LMECC feature beautiful glass displays and classrooms, we recognize the necessity to fortify these areas. Glass reinforcement has been applied to these areas.
Safety Council Established
Little Miami has formally established a Safety Council, in which a group of LM administrators and public safety professionals regularly come together to discuss safety measures, make decisions, and implement procedures to improve the overall security of our students at staff at Little Miami. This group will meet on a quarterly basis to review current safety procedures & actions taken during crisis incidents, discuss future needs, and strengthen working relationships before an emergency strikes.
Safety Funding
We are thankful to the State of Ohio for granting $50,000 to four Little Miami buildings (LMHS, LMMS, LMES, LMPR) to help fund these improvements and upgrades.