3rd & 4th graders explore careers

Throughout the school year, students at Salem Twp. Elementary have been introduced to career and college information in an effort to have them start exploring the many options they have for their futures.
In January, all 3rd and 4th graders had a visit from the Warren County Career Center to introduce students to a wide variety of vocational and educational opportunities. College representatives from the University of Alabama and Marian University visited with all 3rd and 4th graders in March and provided information on how the subjects the students are learning now can correlate into college majors.
And in April, 3rd and 4th graders participated in a career fair to learn more about possible career tracks they could pursue. Each class rotated through four stations and learned about the different careers of parent volunteers. These careers included scientist, construction, realtor, aircraft mechanic, grain merchant, pharmacist, registar, chef, app software developer, human resources, athletic trainer, veterinarian, product designer, and bakery owner.
Preschool and Kindergarden classrooms will host Career Day speakers in their classrooms later this month as well. Career presenters will include: police, sheriff, firefighter, aircraft mechanic and engineer, food and beverage manager, finance manager, construction, U.S. Army, dental assistant, artist, nurse, disc jockey, realtor, child therapist, child psychologist, and forensic fingerprint examiner.
Thank you to all of the parents and community members that volunteered to make our career education program fun and educational for our students!