Donations for Local Non-Profits Needed

Mrs. Staton's Service Learning & Leadership class at Little Miami Junior High has been working all semester long to research and support the missions of local non-profits. This December, students will work to collect vital supplies for these groups. Donations can be dropped off at LMJH in the collection boxes under the awning. Collections will run from 12/7/2020 through 12/17/2020.
Ronald McDonald House - Students are making toiletry packages for parents staying at the RMH. Please donate the following new items:
- Travel-sized shampoos & conditioners
- Travel-sized toothpaste & toothbrushes
- Bars of Soap
Sub Zero Mission - This non-profit supports homeless veterans. They put together winter survival packages for veterans living on the streets. Students are collecting:
- New Socks
- Gently used hats, gloves, coats & boots
- Tents in usable condition
Highland County Humane Society- The shelter is in need of the following supplies:
- Cat & Dog food
- Toys
- Cat litter
- Cleaning Supplies
- Bleach
- Trash bags
- Laundry detergent
- Dryer sheets
Matthew 25 Ministries: This organization helps distribute supplies to area organizations in need. They are asking for the following items to further their mission:
- Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Toilet Paper
- Soap
- Lotion
- Bandages
- Alcohol Swabs
- Bleach
- All Purpose Cleaner
- Antiseptic Cream
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!