Homecoming Week

Homecoming Week is next week! October 2nd-6th.
Be sure to check out the Homecoming Headquarters section of the website for all the latest information regarding all the events happening during the week.
Each building has a spirit week schedule.
Spirit Week for LMPR, LMES & ECC
October 5th - Homecoming Parade and "Drive-In" Movie Night in the Stadium (6:00-10:00) - This year, the parade will be expanded; we will depart from Mounts Park, make our way to 22/3 to Morrow-Cozaddale onto LM campus. Line-up for floats begins at 5:00 pm and parade kick-off is at 6:00. Spectators can park at Valley Vineyards, the parking lot located at the dog park, and on both LM campuses. If you are an advisor, coach, etc. and want to register a float, click here:
Registration closes Friday September 29th.
Directly following the parade, we will host a "Drive-In" Movie Night in the Stadium. "Little Giants" will be the movie; guests are welcome blankets to sit on the field. We also will be having a cardboard "Drive-In" vehicle contest. Additionally, there will be food trucks, a dunk tank, and other fun activities.
How to make a Cardboard Drive-In Vehicle
October 6th - Homecoming Pep Rally - This will occur on Friday at the end of the school day. Get ready for some exciting entertainment!
October 6th - Homecoming Football Game - Homecoming court introductions and crowning will occur during the Friday evening pre-game.
October 7th - "Met Gala" Homecoming Dance (7:00-10:00) - The dance will take place in the stadium again this year. Tickets can only be purchased online and the cost is $30. Each student must enter a passcode (ID number) to buy a ticket. The link for ticket purchases will go live on September 25th and expire on October 2nd; the link will be posted on Schoology.
Volunteer sign up
To make these events as successful as possible, we will need an abundance of volunteers. Please consider signing up to help with these memorable community events.