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Important dates for '19-'20 school year
Posted on: July 31, 2019

The countdown has begun for the 2019-2020 school year!
Below are important dates for the month of August — including open house dates, schedule pick-ups and more — leading up to the first day of school on Aug. 15.
Note for elementary (K-4) families: Letters to students in grades K-4 were mailed in late July to set up beginning-of-the-year parent-teacher meetings. If you did not receive your letter, contact your building secretary.
Aug. 1
- Registration Gateway opens: Little Miami uses the secure portal Registration Gateway to maintain student information and emergency contacts. All parents/guardians are required to update their student's information each year. Link to Registration Gateway.
- Parking passes for LMHS juniors and seniors go on sale Aug. 1. Link to parking pass form
Aug. 2
- Freshman schedules will be available for pickup in the LMHS octagon from noon to 7 p.m. All past fees must be paid before schedules can be picked up. Schedules for students in grades 10, 11 and 12 will be available in ProgressBook also beginning Aug. 2.
- Transportation enrollment forms due. All students requiring daycare or shared parenting transportation should have a form on file before the beginning of each school year. These forms must be updated each school year.
Aug. 5
- School building offices re-open.
- Bus schedules available. Link: How do I see my student's bus schedule?
Aug. 6
- Class assignment letters for LMIS fifth and sixth graders mailed home.
Aug. 9
- LMJH schedule pick up, 8-11 a.m. and noon-3 p.m. Schedules will also be available on ProgressBook that day.
Aug. 12
- K-4 Parent-Teacher Meetings (by appointment)
- LMJH Open House
- Grades 7/8, last names A-M: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. OR 5-6 p.m.
- Grades 7/8, last names N-Z: 12:30-1:30 p.m. OR 6-7 p.m.
Aug. 13
- K-4 Parent-Teacher Meetings (by appointment)
- LMIS Open House
- Grades 5/6, last names A-M: 1-2 p.m. OR 5-6 p.m.
- Grades 5/6, last names N-Z: 2-3 p.m. OR 6-7 p.m.
Aug. 14
- LMHS Open House
- Advisory 5-5:10 p.m. (pick up schedules)
- 1st Period: 5:13-5:21 p.m.
- 2nd Period: 5:24-5:32 p.m.
- 3rd Period: 5:35-5:43 p.m.
- 4th Period: 5:46-5:54 p.m.
- 5th Period: 5:57-6:05 p.m.
- 6th Period: 6:08-6:16 p.m.
- 7th Period: 6:19-6:27 p.m.
- Beginning at 6:30 p.m., counselors will be having a meeting for any parents interested in knowing about high school graduation requirements and programming for students. An Activity Fair will also be held in the octagon.
- Meet the Team Night will begin at 7:15 p.m. at the stadium and will include a performance by the Little Miami Marching Band.
Aug. 15
- First Day of School