Kindness Week at LMES

This week, February 14-18, is Random Acts of Kindness Week at LMES. Students will be learning important character elements, lessons in kindness, and other important lessons in emotional wellness.
Thursday, February 17th is “National Kindness Day” and LMES staff can’t wait to share some fun kindness messages with students! Students may be watching a few videos in class, including the following:
How You Treat People is Who You Are!
Mrs. Gasper & Winston Remind You to Be Kind!
The LMES PTO sold “Kindness Grams” in coordination of this important topic, which were delivered to students on Monday, February 14th. Earlier this week, students and staff alike surprised Mrs. Gasper & Winston with over 800 Valentines! Talk about a great demonstration in appreciation and kindness!
We cannot wait to hear of all of the wonderful stories coming out of Kindness Week at LMES!