Little Miami to Return to Full In-Seat Learning for 2021-2022 School Year

Little Miami Local Schools has learned much about remote education over the course of this school year. These experiences are lessons learned that will help refine and upgrade the digital elements of our in-seat programming moving forward.
While supporting the full-time remote learning platform during the 2020-2021 school year, Little Miami has found significant concerning elements regarding the social isolation that some remote students are experiencing. This isolation reinforces the importance of the social/emotional relationship component of in-seat learning. In addition to this concern, there are also significant concerns regarding academic student engagement and academic rigor that supports student academic growth, while also maintaining appropriate, equitable, and accountable attendance requirements. In person learning allows these essential elements and are vital to student success. Recognizing the importance of including parents in this discussion, Little Miami published a “Little Miami Online” survey at the beginning of February, seeking input regarding interest in student participation in in-person or online learning for the 2021-2022 school year.
After close consideration of parent survey data, examination of the social/emotional needs of students, and in order to provide the most effective learning environment, Little Miami will return to full time in seat programming for all students for the 2021-2022 school year. We understand this shift may cause some families to face a difficult decision regarding their student’s education.
As we move through the remainder of this school year into the summer, the district will continue to monitor circumstances around COVID-19 and will revisit, if needed, whether offering a remote option is appropriate. Little Miami is confident in the decision to have all Little Miami students return to in-person learning in the Fall of 2021. Families currently enrolled in our full-time virtual programming will automatically be enrolled in our in-seat program for the 2021-22 school year. We look forward to and welcome the return of all students to our buildings. Thank you.