LM announces plans for 2020-2021 school year

Little Miami Local Schools recently released its draft plans for returning students to Little Miami buildings for the 2020-2021 school year.
The Return to Learn draft plan provides for two options for Little Miami families: Face-to-face instruction in LM buildings or remote learning through a third-party vendor.
Visit the Return to Learn section of the website for more information.
Safety protocols are key to staff and students returning to school buildings safely. These safety protocols include health assessments, cleaning and disinfecting, social distancing and the wearing of face coverings.
In this plan, the student calendar has changed slightly, pending Board approval on July 14. The first day of school for grades 5-12 will be Aug. 17. The first day of school for grades PreK-4 will be Aug. 19. No other changes have been made to the calendar.
This draft plan was developed by working with the Warren County Health District and other school districts in Warren County, by following guidance from state agencies and by gathering input from parent and staff surveys. More than 400 staff members and 2,600 families answered recent surveys.
District administrators, school nurses, and transportation, food service, tech and maintenance departments contributed to the plan.
Little Miami families received an email on July 7 seeking their input on the options they would be choosing for their children. The district needs this critical information in order to plan class arrangements, transportation routing, food service and many other aspects of its operation.