LM Staff Leadership Update

This week, Little Miami leadership experienced a staff change at two of our elementary buildings that will take effect pending Board approval later this month.
With the resignation of Salem Township Elementary Principal Lisa Smith, Harlan-Butlerville Primary Principal Jamie Miles will assume the role of Principal of Little Miami Primary School for the 2021-2022 school year. Miles has lead Harlan-Butlerville Primary this school year and we are confident that she will continue her excellent efforts at LM’s new primary learning community!
Additionally, pending Board approval, current Salem Township Elementary Assistant Principal Jen Horvath will replace retiring Elementary Curriculum Director Maryann Duffy. In addition to her current role in building leadership, Horvath has successfully served as a passionate classroom teacher & literacy coach. We are so pleased to have Horvath assume these new district leadership responsibilities next year!
To round out the staff changes, Amber Huber will be transferring from the Special Education Coordinator at Central Office to the Assistant Principal position at Little Miami Primary. Huber and Miles will be a strong leadership team, with a combination of excellent principal skills and a strong knowledge of special education and behavior intervention.
Little Miami Local Schools is so pleased to welcome these wonderful educators to their new roles & know they will continue to do great things for our Panther students!