LMHS Students Send Care Packages to Service Members in Kuwait

Mrs. Copenhaver’s study hall began collecting items for a care package to be sent to Kuwait in September. A Little Miami graduate and his Army unit are stationed there. The needed items range from toiletries to snacks, playing cards and puzzles.
“I am so thankful for our country and our military. I want our service men and women to know that we see their sacrifice and appreciate them,” said Copenhaver. “This is just a small and simple way to show our appreciation.”
Copenhaver started service learning projects during her study hall periods last year. In the past, students have made cards for a student's sibling battling cancer, made paper Christmas ornaments, and planned to adopt a nursing home for Christmas this year.
Ninth-grade student Carter Hainey helped make cards for the care package.
“It makes me feel good because I know they will get the cards and feel appreciated. They will know that people value them,” said Hainey. “Sometimes they get lonely not talking to their family and friends. I have a brother who serves in the army. He’s in DC right now.”
10th grader Noah Lonnemann also made cards and spent $120 buying supplies for the unit.
“It is important to me because my dad served, and I know the hard work he put into it,” said Lonnemann. “It makes me feel good about myself and like I’m doing something for people and their wellbeing.”
The care package will be sent out this week.