October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month

This month, our schools came together to celebrate and learn more about some of our classmates. If we learned just one thing, we are more alike than different!
Molly Blaker with The Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati and Molly Blaker spoke to some of our students at LMES about Down Syndrome.
"Thankfully, Little Miami is doing a great job of being an inclusive district. said Blaker. “The students are around classmates with disabilities and we want them to understand their disabilities and how to connect with their peers.”
During her presentation to groups of fourth-grade students, Blake spoke about ways to interact with classmates who have Down Syndrome positively. Students even joined her to share more about their lives, family and interests.
“It’s wonderful and I love seeing their excitement and I love seeing them support their classmates who joined me in the presentation. I love hearing from their teachers about the things they are doing to encourage them,” said Blaker.
At LMPR, students also wore yellow and blue to support their classmates.