Spaghetti dinner benefit coming Sept. 19

Birds of a feather flock together, especially when a spaghetti dinner is involved!
The Salem Elementary PTO and the Panther Backpack program will be host a spaghetti dinner fundraiser on Tuesday, Sept. 19 from 5:30-7 p.m. at the school. LaRosa's will be sponsoring the dinner, which includes pasta with sauce, salad, and breadsticks.
The cost is $5 per person or $20 per family. The PTO will have water, soft drinks, and sweet treats available for cash purchase. In addition, Spirited by Design will be in attendance selling spirit wear and LM gear for cash purchase.
At 7 p.m. the representatives from Raptor Inc. will give attendees an up close and personal view of birds of prey. The program will describe raptor diets, habitats, nesting habits and their role in the food web, as well as other interesting topics.
All proceeds from ticket sales go to the Panther Backpack program, which helps feed children within the Little Miami School District.