Start with Hello Week at LMES September 26-30

Next week (September 26th-30th) is Start with Hello Week at LMES! The goal of this week is to bring attention to the growing epidemic of social isolation and empower young people to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness within their school, youth organization and community!
Start with Hello Week is part of the Sandy Hook Promise that takes aim at recognizing and preventing social isolation in young people. Social isolation is the overwhelming feeling of being left out, lonely or treated as if you are invisible. Young people who are isolated can become victims of bullying, violence and depression. As a result, many pull further away from society, struggle with learning and social development or choose to hurt themselves or others.
During this week, LMES students and staff will be participating in fun events and activities to help break the chain of social isolation, including: Meet & Greet Monday, Talking Tuesday, "What if" Wednesday, Togetherness Thursday, and Feeling Faces Friday.