UPDATED - Bus 45 (Panda) Involved in Accident

UPDATE (12:48 PM) : We are grateful to share that the students transported to the hospital and bus driver are doing well, considering the events of the morning. Both students been discharged from the hospital with no major injuries sustained. As a correction to the information shared this morning, the LM bus driver was not transported to the hospital. Thank you to our incredible local first responders and LM Transportation staff for your expertise and assistance during this incident. <img src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t37/1.5/16/1f43e.png" alt="
This morning, May 20th, Bus 45 (Panda) was involved in an accident on 22&3 near the fire station, while in route to Little Miami Elementary. 24 students were on board at the time of the accident. Two students and the bus driver are being transported to the hospital for further evaluation. The parents of the two students transported to the hospital have been notified. If you were not already notified that your student has been transported to the hospital, your student will be transported via another Little Miami bus to LMES pending their release by first responders.
Upon their arrival to LMES, these students will be met with mental health support and will have time to decompress before going into the classroom.
If you have questions, please email [email protected]. Thank you.