Blog Entries - November 2017

Breakfast with Santa coming Dec. 9
Little Miami High School Student Government and the Jolly Old Elf invite you and your family to enjoy a holiday breakfast and a morning full of Christmas cheer on Saturday, Dec. 9 from 8-11 a.m. Wear your favorite holiday pajamas and join us for Breakfast
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Get your groove on at LMJH Dance Dec. 14
Get ready to do the hustle right into Little Miami Jr. High School as the PTO hosts a '70s Disco Dance on Thursday, Dec. 14 from 7-9 p.m.
Tickets are $4 in advance, $5 at the door. Tickets will be sold during lunch on Wednesday, Dec. 13 and Thursday, Dec. 14.
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Aiming for the bulls-eye
"Game of Thrones" has it. "The Hunger Games" has it. Even "Brave" has it. And now, Little Miami Junior High School have it too -- archery. Students in gym classes this semester had the opportunity to take aim at the target as they studied a unit on archery.
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Tips for families in cold & flu season
With cold and flu season upon us, please keep the following guidelines in mind when deciding whether or not to send your child to school. This will help to control the spread of infectious diseases at school and allow your child to be available for
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Parent-teacher conferences Nov. 16
Parent-teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, Nov. 16 from 3:30 to 7 p.m. at Little Miami Junior High School. You may set an appointment with your student's teacher(s)
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