Blog Entries - May 2021

63 inducted into LMJH Honor Society
More than 60 Little Miami Junior High students achieved a high academic honor May 18 by being inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. Students in 7th and 8th grade who have maintained a 3.5 GPA or above and who have exhibited leadership
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Congrats to LMJH Power of Pen state finalists
Congratulations LM Jr. High student-writers Isabella Gardner and Riley Angel, who recently competed in the state-level Power of the Pen competition on May 15. Power of the Pen is a statewide organization for 7th and 8th grade students to demonstrate
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Secure a Device for Your 6th or 7th Grader
Little Miami is excited to be able to add digital resources to your student's learning experience for next school year. The learning environment includes digital resources created by our talented staff & textbook vendors, as well as a laptop for your
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VLA Device Return
School is almost out for the summer. Before you start your summer plans, we need to collect all school-issued laptops and chargers from VLA Students. Please book an appointment at the link below. Morning and late afternoon appointments are available for your
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